MANCC Artists

Choose from the artists below to preview their work at MANCC.

  • Jinza Thayer and her collaborators explore material for <em>From Tokyo to Brooklyn: A Jagged Journey</em>
  • Anne Lentz and Leah Nelson
  • Lentz, Nelson, and Picasso
  • Ellen Hemphill talks with Thayer and collaborators
  • FSU student Sophia Pfitzenmaier works with Visual Artist Lelis Brito
  • FSU student Io Ermoli works on visual element for <em>From Tokyo to Brooklyn: A Jagged Journey</em>
  • FSU graduate student Emily Gumal works with Visual Artist Lelis Brito on installing a set piece crafted at<br>MANCC
  • Thayer discusses <em>From Tokyo to Brooklyn: A Jagged Journey</em> with her collaborators
  • Jinza Thayer and Sharon Picasso
  • Thayer, Picasso, Nelson and FSU student Stephanie Battle explore material for <em>From Tokyo to Brooklyn: A<br>Jagged Journey</em>
  • Picasso, Nelson and FSU student Stephanie Battle
  • Nelson, Battle and Picasso
  • Thayer leads movement for <em>From Tokyo to Brooklyn: A Jagged Journey</em>
  • <em>From Tokyo to Brooklyn: A Jagged Journey</em> rehearsal


Featured Artist

Faye Driscoll

February 22 - 24
Carolina Performing
Arts, UNC Chapel Hill


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